Vegan silk: the new choice of sustainable luxury – Excellence Magazine


The percentage of young buyers willing to pay more for vegan and eco-sustainable materials is decidedly high: we are talking about about 95% of the so-called Generation Z.

Vegan options and alternatives to classic textile products are a new trend in high fashion and luxury: vegan leather and respect for animals are now indispensable criteria for a new fashion proposal.

vegan silk

Traditional silk: the weak points

Producing the silk we all know involves a particularly bloody procedure.

In fact, it is necessary to throw the worms into boiling water to make the caterpillars die inside them.

The estimate is impressive: to produce a kilo of traditional silk it is necessary to sacrifice about six thousand silkworms, boiled alive in their cocoons.

Not only violence for animals but also great waste of resources to produce the precious yarn.

Silk requires a lot of water: to produce a simple shirt of this cool fabric, it is estimated that over 370 liters of water are used, thus implying an important water footprint for the environment.

There is a less violent alternative and it is starting to spread from India.

It is always traditional silk, but to obtain the yarn the caterpillar is expected to transform into a butterfly, acquiring only the empty cocoon.

However, the process requires a long time, not always compatible with production times.

Vegan silk: what it is

Pine wood pulp and eucalyptus: these are the main ingredients of the new vegan silk that is making people discover a cruelty free alternative to traditional fabric.

Not only are no animals used in each step of the process, but the vegan silk production process is also much more sustainable.

A great saving in carbon emissions, as well as the reuse of water and solvents make vegan silk a real success of high fashion, in the name of sustainable luxury.

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