Journey to discover the 10 + 1 exhibitions not to be missed during the summer


For all architecture and design enthusiasts, we offer a travel itinerary to discover the 10 + 1 exhibitions not to be missed during the summer in Italy and Europe.

Aldo Rossi. Design 1960-1997

Starting from Milan, we remind you that at the Museo del Novecento, exhibited for the first time in the exhibition “Aldo Rossi. Design 1960-1997 “, there are over 350 furnishings and objects of use, models and studies designed and created by one of the protagonists of the visual culture of the twentieth century.

Until 2 October 2022

Where: Museo del Novecento, Piazza Duomo 8, Milan

Curators: Chiara Spangaro, in collaboration with the Aldo Rossi and Silvana Editoriale Foundation

Charlotte Perriand – The avant-garde is woman

Also in Milan, until 25 September 2022, the M77 gallery hosts the exhibition “Charlotte Perriand – The avant-garde is woman” dedicated to the key figure for visual arts, design and architecture of the twentieth century. The exhibition covers the artist’s career from his beginnings in France with Le Corbusier and Pierre Janneret, to his encounter with Russian Constructivism, to his experience in Japan during the Second World War.

Open until 25 September 2022

Where: Galleria M77, Via Mecenate 77, Milan

Curator: Enrica Viganò

Mario Botta. Sacred and profane

The Swiss designer Mario Botta is the protagonist at the MAXXI in Rome with the architecture exhibition entitled “Mario Botta. Sacred and profane”. Invited to talk about himself through a site-specific installation of the NATURE cycle, the artist imagined a work made up of different and highly incisive materials.

Open until 23 October 2022

Where: MAXXI (Sala Gian Ferrari), Via Guido Reni 4a, Rome

Curators: Margherita Guccione and Pippo Ciorra

Riccardo Dalisi ’71 -’74

In Turin until 30 September 2022 an exhibition entitled Riccardo Dalisi ’71 – ’74 dedicated to the architect and designer tells of the experience in the Rione Traiano of Naples, where the artist has carried on his business with the aim of supporting a socio-educational redemption, encouraging street children to design small furnishings and architectural elements with simple materials such as wood, string and metal wires.

Until 30 September 2022

Where: Design Club, Via San Francesco da Paola 17, Turin

Curators: Luca Beatrice, with the assistance of Giorgia Achilarre

Anish Kapoor

The retrospective dedicated to the great Anglo-Indian artist Anish takes place in two locations in the heart of Venice, at the Gallerie dell’Accademia and then at Palazzo Manfrin, until 9 October 2022 in conjunction with the International Art Exhibition of the Biennale. Kapoor. The exhibition offers the public a collection of the most significant works highlighting his vision, pictorial sensitivity and sculptural ability.

Until 10 October 2022

Where: Accademia Galleries and Palazzo Manfrin, Venice

Anish Kapoor, photo David Levene
Anish Kapoor, photo David Levene

Arbeitskreis 1972-2022, A European constructive experience

In the headquarters of the Marcello Morandini Foundation, an elegant early 20th century Art Nouveau villa in the center of Varese, the exhibition “Arbeitskreis 1972-2022, A European constructive experience” inaugurates the exhibition season dedicated to the History of Concrete Art, inspired by the geometric tradition of Dutch Neoplasticism and Russian Constructivism.

Until November 5, 2022

Where: Marcello Morandini Foundation, Via Del Cairo 41, Varese

Marcello Morandini Foundation

Arbeitskreis 1972-2022, Un’esperienza costruttiva europea. Fondazione Marcello Morandini. Photo Irene Bianchi
Arbeitskreis 1972-2022, Un’esperienza costruttiva europea. Fondazione Marcello Morandini. Photo Irene Bianchi

Forty years of graphics and design. The sense of ideas

At the m.a.x. Chiasso museum, over a hundred pieces including models, products and machinery for the exhibition entitled “Forty years of graphics and design. The sense of ideas “, open until 11 September 2022 and dedicated to the Sicilian designer of origin Vito Noto. The artist’s production includes visual design, product design and industrial design.

Until 11 September 2022

Where: m.a.x. museum, Via Dante Alighieri 6, Chiasso

Curators: Mario Piazza and Nicoletta Ossanna Cavadini

I Call it Art

Moving on to the international context in Oslo, the new National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design designed by architect Klaus Schuwerk, Kleihues and Schuwerk Architects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, houses the largest collection in northern Europe of art, design and architecture. The exhibition “I Call it Art” until 11 September fills the Light Hall with works created by 147 artists and collectives working today in Norway.

Until 11 September 2022

Where: National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo

I Call it Art, photo Nasjonal Museet
I Call it Art, photo Nasjonal Museet

Long Live Wivi Lönn

Helsinki, celebrates the architects, pioneers of equality with “Long Live Wivi Lönn”, the exhibition at the Finnish Architecture Museum. Lönn was the first woman in Finland to set up her own independent architecture firm, achieving successes never before achieved.

Until January 8, 2023

Where: Finnish Architecture Museum, Helsinki

Arboretum and Espaces possibles

Two exhibitions until the 15th October 2022 they guide the visitor on a journey through contemporary architecture in search of the “new city”. The “Arboretum” exhibition gives a voice to architects and landscape architects, documenting a collection of moments in which the tree dialogues with architecture.

With “Espaces possibles”, on the other hand, the forum aims to show and understand what the movement of “third places” is. More than an exhibition, it is a meeting point, a laboratory of ideas. The birth of fablabs, coworking spaces, associative cafes and other shared places affects everyone as inhabitants, users or citizens engaged in a common project.

Until October 15, 2022

Where: Forum d’urbanisme et d’architecture, Nice

The post Journey to discover the 10 + 1 exhibitions not to be missed during the summer appeared first on Excellence Magazine.

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